Caroline's news

Mayor’s estuary airport obsession is not helping the aviation debate

Caroline Pidgeon, leader of the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Group, commenting on the Mayor’s response to the Government’s Draft Aviation Policy Framework, said:

“Boris Johnson is certainly right to so strongly oppose a third Heathrow runway. Its impact would be devastating for so many Londoners.

Government bans wheel clamping daylight robbery

Writing for Liberal Democrat Voice, Caroline Pidgeon says:

I spend most of my time arguing for our roads to be made safer and more attractive for cyclists and pedestrians and making the case for improvements in public transport.

However, reducing car traffic and making our towns and cities more attractive for local residents does not mean defending indefensible practices against motorists.

From today one of the worst injustices facing motorists has been ended, with a ban on wheel clamping on private land coming into force in England and Wales. North of the border this activity has been banned on private land for the last two decades.

Bleak journeys for Christmas travellers

Speaking to the Evening Standard about the extensive train and Tube closures that passengers will suffer over the December holidays, Caroline Pidgeon said:

"Of course engineering work is necessary over the Christmas and New Year period, however the extent of the train and Tube closures this year could well be unprecedented."

"Many people travelling to see loved ones face some very bleak journeys this year. At the very least Network Rail should publish their closure plans as soon as possible to give people as much time as possible to plan ahead."

You can read the full story here.

TfL needs to catch up with global cycling best practice

Speaking to the Wharf website on cycle safety issues, Caroline Pidgeon said:

Clearly there is much London needs to learn from Holland and other European cities to make our roads safer and more attractive for cycling. In particular I think we should be considering wider cycle lanes and where possible the greater use of totally segregated cycle lanes.

Many of London's junctions would benefit from additional traffic lights which are at the eye-level for cyclists and ideally giving cyclists a staggered start. The Department for Transport must allow TfL to catch up with best international practice.

Read the full article here.

Transport discussion in Merton

Caroline Pidgeon was guest speaker at an evening of politics organised by Merton Liberal Democrats.

Caroline was joined by local and some London Liberal Democrats to discuss the state of transport in London and how we can increase capacity in the short and long term. Particular discussion featured around the issue of expanding the cycle hire scheme, aviation and the extension and improvement to the south London tram.


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