All new bus countdown signs in Kingston

Caroline hosted a meeting with officers from TfL and Kingston Council along with Cllr Simon James, Executive Member for Transport at Kingston to discuss the plans for countdown signs in the Borough.

TfL is currently upgrading all signs to new technology which will allow real time information to mobile phones and online as well as at information signs at bus stops.

The current plans show the same number of signs per borough as the current system but at different locations. This could lead to areas such as Malden and Combe seeing half of their signs removed, even though it is the most populated area in Kingston. Discussion also took place on particular issues at Cromwell Road Bus Garage, where there are currently three countdown signs. TfL is looking at a solution to have all of the information in one sign.

"I was glad to bring everyone together for a frank discussion about the criteria for these signs and to find a way forward. TfL has agreed to review some of the signs and data and Kingston may also look at how they can buy some additional signs" commented Caroline Pidgeon AM.