Assembly calls on Mayor to improve consultation on police plan

The London Assembly has called on the Mayor to take steps to improve the consultation process for the Police and Crime Plan, after residents in Lambeth and Southwark did not receive relevant documents until the day of the consultation meeting.

A motion agreed by the Assembly meeting said that while it may now be too late to rectify the problem in those two boroughs, the quality of the consultation for other groups across London could still be improved.

The Assembly called on the Mayor to review the amount of time – currently just one hour per borough – spent by the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime as part of Police and Crime Plan consultation, in a bid to ensure a robust and democratic process.

Caroline Pidgeon AM, who seconded the motion, said:
“This is supposed to be a genuine consultation. On one level it is great that the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is going to the boroughs, but one hour is insulting. The meetings clearly need to be longer.”