The Scoop theatre - a great asset for Southwark and London

After co-hosting an event at City Hall to promote the local Scoop open-air theatre, Caroline Pidgeon writes:

The producer of London's Free Open-Air Theatre Season, Suzanna Rosenthal, first approached me last year and I was more than happy to get involved in what is a fantastic project and an asset to the local area and to London. For over ten years Suzanna’s theatre group Gods and Monsters has been performing, and indeed rehearsing, in the Scoop in More London.

It is the accessibility which makes performances here special. Last year over 30,000 people came to see the theatre group’s performances. A quarter of these were first-time theatregoers. Over two thirds said they were more likely to go to the theatre again as a result of seeing the show. Audiences here are much younger and more ethnically diverse than you would find in a more traditional theatre environment. Three quarters of these theatregoers cited price as a major barrier to attending more traditional theatre productions.

The openness, diversity and accessibility of performing here is what makes it special, but it brings with it its own obvious challenges. The theatre group used to offer substantial education projects with local schools, and outreach schemes with local community groups, and would love to do so again.

That is why I was more than happy to co-host an event at City Hall with the Deputy Mayor for Education and Culture, Munira Mirza, to drum up support for what is a great asset on our doorstep. I would very much encourage you to go and see a show!