Campaigning for safe crossings in Lewisham

Caroline Pidgeon, Lib Dem chair of the London Assembly's Transport Committee, has visited the Tiger's Head junction between Bromley Road and Whitefoot Lane in Lewisham. In the video above, Caroline speaks about her campaign to have the Mayor and Transport for London act on junctions like this which put pedestrians in danger.

Caroline has also continued her support for a pedestrian crossing at the dangerous junction of Courthill Road and Lewisham High Street.

Following her presentation of a petition at City Hall calling for the Mayor to ensure that a pedestrian crossing is installed, Caroline has made a visit to the junction to ensure the pressure is maintained on Transport for London and the Mayor.

Photo: Caroline with Andrew Milton and Dave Edgerton (Lewisham Central Councillors), Councillor Chris Maines (Leader of Lewisham Liberal Democrats) and local residents.