Investigating accessibility issues at Liverpool St and Stratford

As part of the Transport Committee’s work on the accessibility of the transport system in London, Caroline Pidgeon AM along with other Committee members went on two site visits. The first to Liverpool Street Station where the committee looked around the station and the many accessibility issues with some wheelchair passengers.

The second visit then went to Stratford to look at the investment there and the interchanges between different modes of transport.

“The issue that struck me was how important clear signage really is. At Liverpool Street we could not see a sign for the lift that goes to the Underground station from the concourse – even though there is one. The bus station is on one side and not very friendly for those in wheelchairs as the pavements are often too narrow for the ramps to be used easily. Many bus services run on the other side of the station as well though! In the taxi area, the lack of a kerb meant the use of taxi ramps was more problematic with a much steeper drop between the cab and the pavement” commented Caroline.

“It was a real eye opener going out with passengers who use a walking stick or are in a wheelchair, as small things, like benches or signage, can make all the difference.”