Caroline Pidgeon: Give Londoners A Real Say

In an article for the London Says website, Caroline Pidgeon argues that positive moves are being made in devolving power from national government to London, but that much more remains to be done:

The new Government made it clear that they will devolve more responsibilities to London Government – the Mayor, Assembly and Boroughs – if there was agreement on a package of measures. I am pleased to say we collectively rose to the challenge and our submission was on Eric Pickles’ desk before the summer. ...

Yet while all these developments are hugely welcome, the Government’s legislation must ensure transparency and democratic accountability are improved at all levels. ...

Trust is needed in setting local and regional government free from the ties of Whitehall. A good start has been made, but we now need to fully deliver on this vital agenda of truly devolving power downwards and saying goodbye to Whitehall always knowing best.

You can read the full article here.