Caroline speaks at Merton Lib Dems' AGM

Caroline was guest speaker at Merton Liberal Democrats' AGM on Thursday 18th November in Wimbledon.

Caroline talked about the work of the Lib Dem Group on the London Assembly including Mike's work on air quality, Dee's on front line policing and her own work on transport in London including South West Trains agreeing to sell Oyster tickets in 2011.

"It was great to meet members from Merton, including seeing half our new Lib Dem Council Group and hearing how it is on the Council, standing up for local residents. Lots of interesting issues were raised including around the legacy of the Olympics, greenways and walking in London and strikes on the tube" commented Caroline Pidgeon AM.

Photo: Caroline campaigning with Merton Lib Dem Councillors Mary Jane Jeanes and Ian Dysart.