Campaigning articles

Out and about in Hammersmith and Fulham

Caroline Pidgeon AM joined local Liberal Democrats in Hammersmith and Fulham at a street stall on 13th February.

Caroline joined local members talking to local residents about the housing crisis and also about her plans for half price fares by half seven.

Out and about in Walworth

Caroline Pidgeon has been out and about in Walworth over recent weeks supporting candidate Lauren Pemberton-Nelson in the Faraday by-election due on 21st January.

Lauren lived on the Aylesbury Estate for most of her life so knows first-hand the issues that need to be addressed. No one should have to live in accommodation with rats, litter, lifts that go unrepaired and heating that won't turn on in the depths of winter. Lauren's campaign is a personal one - she believes Faraday residents, her Nan included, deserve better.

Campaigning to save our neighbourhood police in Sutton

Caroline Pidgeon AM joined Tom Brake MP and local Liberal Democrat Councillors and campaigners on Wallington High Street at their regular street stall on 12th December. It may have been cold out but the reception was fantastic and people were queuing to sign our petition to save London’s community police PCSOs and PCs in our local neighbourhoods.

Caroline then went out with Tom and Leader of the Council Cllr Ruth Dombey talking to businesses in Sutton High Street including Pearsons, the oldest bike shop in the world.

Out and about in Newham

Caroline Pidgeon joined Liberal Democrats from across London and local London Assembly candidate Elaine Bagshaw out campaigning for Sheree Miller in the Boleyn Ward by-election which took place on 3rd December.

Caroline and the team knocked on hundreds of doors and spoke to local people in and around West Ham’s Upton Park stadium, and heard first hand their serious concerns about the Labour Council and in particular around the need for more affordable housing.

Campaigning at the Charlie Brown Roundabout in Redbridge

Caroline Pidgeon AM joined local Liberal Democrats including Cllr Gwyneth Deakins to highlight the serious safety issues at the Charlie Brown roundabout in Redbridge.

Several years ago Transport for London developed plans to make the busy transport roundabout safer for road users including pedestrian crossings for local people. However this was cancelled and now TfL is once again carrying out feasibility studies for safety measures including looking at signals for the junction.

“I have spoken to many people in the area and they are frustrated and bewildered at TfL's failure to provide safe crossing facilities at the Roundabout. Many local people take their cars for relatively short journeys, rather than walk or cycle, because they dare not attempt to cross the roads there. This adds to the congestion!” commented Caroline.

Out and about in Bromley

Caroline joined Bromley Liberal Democrats campaigning to save our community policing on 28th November in Orpington.

The team handed out campaign newspapers and talked to local shoppers about the threat to PCSOs and our Safer Neighbourhood Teams. Caroline and the team also collected signatures on their petition to save our local policing teams.

Out and about in Ealing

Caroline Pidgeon AM joined Ealing Liberal Democrats out and about talking to local residents in the Pitshangar Lane area.

The team knocked on doors and chatted to local residents about the proposal to cut PCSOs from neighbourhood policing teams, and about Europe.

"It was great to be out with so many members and supporters, including some new members," commented Caroline.
