Transport articles

Dial-A-Ride service is still inconsistent and unreliable

As the London Assembly's Transport Committee publishes its report on the shortcomings of TfL's Dial-A-Ride service for people with disabilities, the committee's deputy chair, Caroline Pidgeon AM, has commented:
"It cannot be right that Dial-a-Ride is providing fewer journeys than it did eight years ago but is spending 70 per cent more on the service.

"The improvements to some aspects of the service are welcome, but it’s disappointing that people are still experiencing some of the same old problems with the booking system.

"People rely on Dial-a-Ride and are entitled to expect a consistent and reliable service. I urge Transport for London to take the necessary steps to make this a reality."

Caroline Pidgeon welcomes cancellation of Northern Line early closures

Commenting on the decision by Transport for London to cancel the planned early evening closures on the Northern Line, London Assembly member Caroline Pidgeon, the Liberal Democrat group leader and spokesperson for Transport, said:

"I welcome the fact that TfL have cancelled these early evening closures. I have spoken to many small businesses and local residents and know what problems these closures would have caused.

Caroline highlights 300 unsafe pedestrian crossings

Caroline Pidgeon, leader of the Liberal Democrats in the London Assembly, writes in a letter to the Evening Standard:

Anyone reading your story on the trial of countdown indicators at pedestrian crossings might think that crossings routinely allow more time than necessary for pedestrians to cross. The reality is often very different ...

Read the full letter here.

Assembly team explores noise impact of City Airport

On Thursday 10 June Caroline joined other Assembly Members on a visit to meet residents who live near City Airport to hear their concerns about noise and pollution. The members then went and visited City Airport to talk to their Chief Executive and team about their plans and ways they work with the community.

"It was interesting to see around City Airport and to talk to local people about the impact it has on their lives. It is clear that all noise from airplanes using different airports needs to be mapped together in one place so that we can really understand the noise impact of London's airports on different parts of the capital," commented Caroline Pidgeon.

Releasing data helps to release people – TfL opens up its data

Caroline Pidgeon, the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Group leader and spokesperson on transport commenting on Transport for London's plans to lift previous restrictions on information relating to London's Tube, buses and river services, said:

"This decision has my total backing. By lifting restrictions on such useful information we can now unleash the huge talent and imagination that exists amongst London's huge number of web developers. This decision will now allow innovation and exciting developments to take place in the provision of travel information. Releasing data really does help to release people."

You can read more information from TfL on the data available.

And Lib Dem blogger Mark Pack covers the story at Liberal Democrat Voice.

Also, this site shows a great use of the data, with a live map showing where every tube train is on the network. The BBC has a story here about this site.

Parents of twins need space on buses!

The charity TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association) has an article in its newsletter Multiple Matters, highlighting a question Caroline Pidgeon asked the Mayor on behalf of parents of twins:

Caroline Pidgeon:What instructions are bus drivers given about permitting buggies for twins to be taken on board London buses and for them to use the space for wheelchairs – as it is reported that many drivers are refusing to take such buggies until they are folded?

The Mayor:TfL advises drivers that passengers with double buggies can board by the centre doors, as it is too difficult for them to get on at the front. Passengers must ask the drivers permission first and show their ticket/pass or touch their Oyster card on the reader. Single buggies must board by the front door only. There may be occasions when it is necessary for a driver to ask a passenger with a buggy to fold it – for example if the bay is already occupied by another buggy or is required by a wheelchair user. Please forward any reports of drivers not allowing double buggies on board to TfL.

You can read the full article here.

Mayor fails to raise Surrey Canal Road station at ministerial meeting

Caroline Pidgeon, the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Transport Spokesperson, commenting on the Mayor’s admission at Mayor’s Question Time that he did not raise the issue of Surrey Canal Road station at his first meeting with the new Secretary of State for Transport, said:

"It is incredible that the Mayor failed to raise the issue of Surrey Canal Road station with the Secretary of State when he clearly promised that he would. If we don't secure the additional seven million now this station will be lost for a generation.

"As a matter of urgency the Mayor must get on the phone to the Minister and ensure this issue is finally resolved."

You can also read coverage of this story by the Lewisham News Shopper and by local blog Brockley Central.

New approach to tube upgrades must go further

Caroline Pidgeon, the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Transport Spokesperson, commenting on today’s announcement that there will be a reduced programme of weekday evening closures for the Northern Line this summer, said:

"Where closures are absolutely necessary for tube upgrade work we should be seriously looking at short term blockades as opposed to very long periods of evening and weekend closures.

Caroline questions the Mayor on motorcycle issues

The London Bikers website has a story on the questions Caroline has asked the Mayor about parking charges for motorbikes, and TfL's trial allowing motorcyclists to use bus lanes.

Caroline Pidgeon:
"What do you personally think about Westminster Council’s parking charges for motorcycles?"

Answer from the Mayor:
"My particular concern is about central London traffic congestion arising from recent demonstrations by motorcyclists congregating at Trafalgar Square. I would like to see the dispute resolved through common ground being found between WCC and motorcyclists around the operation of parking schemes in Westminster."
