Airport expansion articles

Opposing City Airport expansion

Caroline Pidgeon has written to Newham Council to formally object to London City Airport's expansion plan, which would see more flights and longer operating hours. Caroline questioned the need for expansion – especially with other modes of transport, and remote working, providing alternatives to short-haul flights – and highlighted the increased noise and environmental damage that the plans would bring, as well as the impact on local transport around the airport.

Night flights need to stop

Caroline has sent a formal response to the Government's Night Flights Consultation, taking into account the views of many people she has been in touch with who are affected by night flights across London.

It's disappointing that continued night flights are even being considered, given the increasing scientific evidence showing the serious negative health costs of aircraft noise, which in turn have an economic cost as well.

Reporting back - autumn 2018

In Caroline's latest newsletter, she discusses:

  • The need to push on with pedestrianising Oxford Street, fighting back against Westminster Council's obstructions
  • The dedicated youth workers we need in A&E departments to tackle knife crime and help victims
  • The fight against the noisy, polluting and unnecessary third runway at Heathrow
  • Making the case against Brexit and for the benefits the EU has brought London

Read Caroline's newsletter here.

Why Heathrow deserves a more thorough debate

Writing for Liberal Democrat Voice, Caroline points out that the issues around the third runway at Heathrow have not been properly discussed, and that the campaign against it needs to go on.

So let’s be absolutely clear, despite the thumping vote in favour of a third Heathrow runway the arguments against a third Heathrow have not been addressed

Many of the arguments in favour are outdated, most notably the obsession with hub airports.

High Court pollution ruling strengthens the case against a third Heathrow runway

Caroline Pidgeon, Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member, commenting the today’s High Court ruling that the Government’s plan to tackle the UK’s air pollution is illegal - the second time in 18 months that the Government have lost in court on this issue - said:

“The Government is clearly failing to cut illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide in the ‘shortest possible time’.

The case against Heathrow expansion is as strong as when Theresa May and David Cameron made it

Caroline Pidgeon, Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member, commenting on the Government’s intention to support a third Heathrow runway, said:

"After an incredibly expensive lobbying campaign the Government has ‎foolishly accepted the myth that what is good for the overseas owners of Heathrow is also good for the UK economy.

"The reality is that airports such as Luton and Stansted have spare capacity. And in time HS2 will also allow easy access ‎to Birmingham airport for many Londoners.

Decision on Heathrow is needed now

Commenting on reports of a potential six month delay on a decision over Heathrow, Liberal Democrat London Mayoral candidate Caroline Pidgeon said:

"Londoners opposed to expansion are fed up of being lied to. A decision is needed now.

“Heathrow is not, and never will be, the place to expand airport capacity and the sooner this Tory government accepts that, the sooner we can get on with developing a sensible aviation policy for the UK."
